Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Suicide is Painless


Prompt #136 I found on a site provided by Ms. A for creative writing prompts. "Write a pure dialogue story. Make your story move along by using dialogues *only*. No narration, no description...just dialogues." Challenge accepted. (The dialogue goes back and forth between two characters, one on the left and the other on the right.)

                                                                   Suicide is Painless

Here we are, the last day. After all this time we’re
finally going to get out of this prison, both of us.
What a (sad) coincidence that it should be the same day…

                                                                           A prison? What an odd choice of words. I see it
                                                                           not as a prison but even, rather, a home.

I suppose…yes, it will be sad to leave, but even
though your bed is comfortable to you, I can’t
imagine you haven’t wanted to escape. This place
is no good. Only rotting, dying bodies that will
never make it out of here. Everything is so sad,
too sad for me.

                                                                         Are you implying me to be a rotting and dying 
                                                                         corpse? As I am the one which will never leave.
                                                                         These sheets, one way or another, will be the
                                                                         layers of my deathbed.

How do you stand this? Every single day, the white
washed walls, the cold, blank tiles, the immortal
and bitter machines. (Ugh.)

                                                                         To each its own purpose.

But! We shouldn’t be so down and depressed, for
tomorrow! Tomorrow is our day, honey. By tonight
I’ll be at my new job, and you…Well, you’ll be out
of here, too, honey, don’t worry.

                                                                       No, no! Don’t you see?? I don’t want to leave--

                                                                       please don’t make me go! You’re my only friend;
                                                                       beg someone for me, so that they won’t do this to
                                                                       me…I can’t leave.

There’s nothing anyone can do. I keep telling myself
that. I’ve tried, begged even, to talk the doctors out
of this, believe you me. But the decision is made.
                                                                       No, no, no…

I am so sorry, honey. I remember the first time I
walked in here; something drew me to this room…
Our first conversation was about my first
granddaughter, born just a few days before, do you
remember? I’ll miss talking to you, I will.

                                                                       …I will miss you more than you could ever know,
                                                                       though I suppose for not as long…

You have such a gentle face. Even the scars across
your head, they make you beautiful. You know, I’ve
always imagined your voice to be kind and soft, the
sort that you know would be beautiful to listen to
sing. I hope now that you can be at peace, darling,
instead of just looking peaceful.

                                                                        I am not at peace! My voice would not be so calm
                                                                        if only I could use it. Eyes, open! Mouth, work! 
                                                                        Please, this is our last chance…I want to live.

I don’t know your name, and I won’t now, but

                                                                        I want to live.

it’s time for me to go. I guess this means I have
to say goodbye.

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